Stacy’s M- Secret?

Maddy Unsolicited
3 min readNov 29, 2023
Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

I wait by her side as she takes her last breathe. Her body going even more limp while the color runs from her body.

I don’t know what happened.

I came home and her body laid there. Weak and barely breathing.

The doctors said it was an attempted overdose.

She wasn’t suicidal. She was a fairly happy person. She never expressed anything remotely close to wanting to be dead. She was my wife of 10 years I would hope I would know this kind of thing.

We met in college and have haven’t been able to leave each others side since. We got married as soon as we graduated. We are waiting for kids until we know we are in our forever home.

When I came home from the hospital that night, I sat there in the spot she laid in. The floor was still warm from her body.

I sat and cried for a good 2 hours before I looked up to see a floor board was missing. I was too wrapped up in my head to see something so obvious.

I went over and there laid a box. You could see it was rummaged through and items were taken out. There was a piece of paper and a wallet left.

I picked up the paper the realize it was a birth certificate.

For some girl names Stacy Brooks, Mother Gwen and Father Steve.



Maddy Unsolicited

My true thoughts and opinions on the things that may or may not matter