Maddy Unsolicited
1 min readJun 28, 2023


Versions of You

Photo by Miikka Luotio on Unsplash

How many past versions of you are there?

Versions of you that have been pushed aside.

Versions you buried deep down hoping to never see the light again.

Scared to feel the way that version felt.

Would you even recognize the other you?

What if all the different versions of you are so different yet so similar it starts a war?

We in a sense kill of a part of ourselves, when we enter a new chapter.

A new era.

In some weird way we will never meet that version again.

Yet, we will catches glimpses of them everyday.


Secretly coaching you on.

Waiting to eventually grow into the beautiful soul they see before them.

We may fight our past selves.

Say thats not who we are we threw that version away.

Even if there will always be traces lingering in the shadows.

We may grow tired of constantly fighting that piece.

Thats not a reason to stop fighting.

The more we fight the more we grow.



Maddy Unsolicited

My true thoughts and opinions on the things that may or may not matter